
Concha Sáenz

Materias IBIC - BISAC

  • AGC


The current publication, entitled Folksonomies, sets out the contents of a selection of works I have done lately and it recounts its exhibit walkthrough, organized on the basis of two individual projects which run parallel throughout 2016. One of them relates to the works arisin­g­ from my interest in Big Data and which is composed of different accounts with works in painting, mural installation and drawing. It is the project I have called Sombras_Big_Dat@. The second Project is about my activity around engraving, silk screen printing and digital printing which I have named 32 bits_memoria_grafica. The book is thus structured in two parts, starting with the Sombras_Big_Dat@ project and specifically, its showing at the Salamanca Museum, as I have shown here the set of works which comprise the project in the best conditions of space and illumination, which afforded us to collect some interesting photographic scenes on site and views of works which render quite an accurate idea of the jobs I have done. The second part of this publication documents the exhibition called 32_bits_memoria_grafica, with works in engraving and printed work. Throughout my career, creating projects with these means has been and still is crucial: not only does it complement the creative activity I do with other disciplines, but it also provides me with other channels for my thoughts and presentation of ideas. The council of the Arts Engraving Museum chose my project and I was offered a chance to show a walkthrough of several years of activity which I structured on the basis of eight thematic axes: Energies, Presences, Dialogs, Silences, Places and territories, Echos and appearances, Human schemes and Dream landscapes, around which 32 works spin, executed with chalcographic engraving, digital printing and silk screen printing. The set of works grouped in such fashion composed a remarkable atmosphere which contributed to the understanding and tuning in with the works and their crossed meanings.

Dimensiones: 24 x 17 (cm).

Peso: 1.53 Kg.

Número de Páginas: 162.

Formatos digitales: ePub, Kindle, PDF.


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Cubierta para Folksonomies
enero 1, 2017
Cómo citar
Sáenz, Concha. 2017. Folksonomies. Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca, Salamanca.
Sáenz, C. Folksonomies; Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca: Salamanca, 2017.
Sáenz, Concha. Folksonomies. Salamanca: Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca, 2017.
Sáenz, C. (2017). Folksonomies. Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca.
Sáenz, Concha, Folksonomies. Salamanca: Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca, 2017.
Sáenz, C., 2017. Folksonomies. Salamanca: Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca.
C. Sáenz, Folksonomies, Salamanca: Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca, 2017.
Sáenz, Concha. Folksonomies. Salamanca: Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca, 2017.
Sáenz, Concha. Folksonomies. Salamanca: Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca, 2017.
Sáenz, C.. Folksonomies. Salamanca: Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca; 2017.
ISBN-13 (15)
Fecha de primera publicación (11)