Guide for the linguistic inclusion of migrants
Materias IBIC - BISAC
- JNSV - Enseñanza de inglés para hablantes de otros idiomas
Designed to create tangible materials which support the demands of this context, the INCLUDEED Erasmus+ project aims to integrate migrants and refugees through one of Europe’s greatest assets - their languages. This guide aims to become an ally of both those who wish to deepen their knowledge of the migration phenomenon and those who wish to facilitate the integration process of these groups. Developed from the experience that the Universities of the consortium have in this field (University of Salamanca, University of Bologna, University of Coimbra, University of Heidelberg, University of Poitiers and Trinity College Dublin), this document emanates from a common effort as well as from the will to form an egalitarian society in terms of integration. However, this would not have been possible without the support of various non-governmental organisations (Red Cross, ACCEM, CEPAIM Foundation and Sierra-Pambley Foundation) which, dedicated to the reception and integration of migrants and refugees throughout Europe, have facilitated the identification of difficulties and enabled bridges to be built between different perspectives and joint efforts to converge in the same direction.
This guide addresses the various challenges that emerge during the integration period of these groups and proposes solutions that can help this complex process to be successful. Designed as a useful vade mecum for the performance of the tasks of the various groups (language teaching professionals or volunteers, non-governmental organisations and national and supranational public institutions), it is a support tool that guides the actions of those involved in the process of linguistic integration of newly arrived people. It provides them with a better understanding of the situation in which these groups find themselves and of the tools available to achieve this. In short, it is a document that seeks to bring together, through informative but rigorous text, the theoretical advances in this field and to offer various resources that can be put into practice in real life.
Finally, we would like to emphasise that the contents of this guide should be understood as suggestions arising from the experience and commitment of those who have worked on its development and as a tool that will help to answer some of the questions that arise in the process of integration of migrant groups. These questions are currently being answered thanks to the committed engagement of all those who are participating in this project. In addition, information from all the countries in the consortium can be found throughout these pages, which broadens the perspective of most of the tools created so far, making this guide truly an international reference work.
Chapter 1. Migration and languages in a European context
Chaper 2. Linguistic profileof migrants
Chapter 3. Interculturality, intercultural education and language teaching
Chapter 4. Language teacher training
Chapter 5. Teaching materials: ICT and migrant language teaching
Chapter 6. Literacy

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